We haven't been up to much lately with the rain and B and I have both been working a lot. This week we stayed inside and tried to keep occupied. Lots of turkey crafts, a little baking, cleaning, potty training, and movie watching (including 2 trips to see New Moon! I won't even go into how obsessed I am). For Thanksgiving, my parents were out of town in Joseph, OR spending the holiday with my grandma, so my family didn't have dinner. We went to B's parents for a delicious spread of food, wine, and family. I have tons to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!

The dogs have been loving laying in their beds by the fireplace. Pancho was very relaxed as you can see.

I would love to be a dog and get to sleep all day.

Peyton playing a little dress up. :)

My sweet boy.

Watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie.

Helping mommy make vanilla pound cake.

Getting ready to go to Grammy and Papa's for Thanksgiving dinner.

Love this pic of my boys.

Peyton's getting pretty good at using my camera. Here's attempt #1.

Attempt #2.

Watching football with Papa.

Eating some pumpkin pie.

Sitting with Uncle A.

Family pic, though Peyt was pretty insistent on not smiling. It was bedtime. :)
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