Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is now and forever will be bittersweet for me.  I had a hard time fully enjoying the day without my mom.  B's parents took the kids overnight the night before so we could go to my sister's b-day celebration, so we got to stay up late AND sleep in til like 8:30!  It was nice! B made me some Belgian waffles for breakfast and we ran a few errands together.  Simple things like that make me happy.  B was upset because he did a project with the kids that ending up falling apart a bit.  I still loved it though! It was cement stepping stones for my garden with the kids' hand/foot prints.  We'll probably buy another kit to try it again.
My loves and I!

Peyton made me this at school for Mother's Day
And this candle the homemade gifts!

After Olivia had her morning nap, we picked up the kids and headed up to Mt Calvary to take my mom some flowers.  Again...bittersweet.  It was a beautiful day, but it's hard being there...
Olivia smelling the flowers.  I know my mom is constantly smiling down  at the kids...

After more naps, we headed to B's parent's house for dinner to celebrate with his mom.  Happy Mother's Day to her, she is like a mom to me!

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