Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July

This 4th of July wasn't all we planned it to be.  Last weekend, Olivia came down with a fever and then the next day broke out in a rash all over.  We took her to the doctor and turned out she had hand, foot, and mouth.  Yuck.  The doctor said that Peyton would also have symptoms by now and he didn't so we were hoping that he wouldn't catch it too.  For the 4th, we were planning on going to my brother's house for a BBQ.  The doctor said that she would not be contagious by the 4th, but we decided that it was best if B stayed home with Olivia, not taking any risks of sharing the love of her condition.  On the morning of the 4th, we took the kids to Slappy Cakes on Belmont.  I was excited to take the kids here, especially Peyt, because you can make your pancakes right at your table with all sorts of fun stuff in them.  When we got there, Peyton was super quiet (not normal!) and said he didn't want to eat.  But once he got his little dish of chocolate chips and his whipped cream for his pancakes, he seemed to perk up a bit
Our pancakes cooking! Peyt had buttermilk batter, with chocolate chips and whipped cream.  I had peanut butter batter, chocolate chips, bacon, and maple syrup.  And B had buttermilk batter with bacon and maple syrup.  SO good!

In the car on the ride home Peyton just didn't look like he felt good. He came down with a 102 fever and had spots in his throat.  YAY. I'm pretty sure he got what Olivia had but he still hasn't came down with the rash.  Peyton was SUPER bummed that he couldn't go to the BBQ with me.  He did feel a little better in the afternoon, and the kids played outside and ran around in the sprinklers.  

Olivia liked the idea of the sprinkler until the water actually touched her.

She was more content just sitting and watching Peyton
She was out of there...too cold for her!

I made my 4th of July cake and headed over to my brother's house.  My niece Brittni from Indiana was in town with her two kids, so it was nice to see them! I missed my hubs and kids though.  I forgot my camera so I only got a couple snaps of my cake with  my phone.  It turned out well!

I left the BBQ early and headed home to spend the rest of the evening at home.  B, the kids and I just hung out outside, had some dessert and waited for the sun to set so we could light some sparklers and some lame Oregon fireworks.  Luckily our neighbors had some fireworks from Washington so we had a pretty great show from our front yard.  

 Peyton taking his sis for a walk.


Jammies on and waiting for it to get dark!

Olivia somehow fell asleep with the huge fireworks going off.  It was SO loud!

Love the festive glasses missing a lens

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