Thursday, February 14, 2013


On Tuesday I took Olivia in for her 2-year check up.  She did well and was a champ for her one shot.  I was expecting the usual blood curdling scream she usually gives, but she just laid there and whispered "Ow." 

Olivia's  2-year stats:
Weight: 30.5 lbs (90%)
Height: 38 inches (Over 100%)

~Olivia is talking up a storm!  She is talking in sentences more and more and is talking non stop. 
~We are in the beginning stages of potty training.  I was hoping to be gung-ho potty training this week while I'm off work, but we have contractors here every day and no washer or dryer until Friday!  But while we are home, I have been putting big girl underwear on her and she does pretty well.  She does better with #2 than #1 so far.  I'm ready for no more diapers!
~I see little glimpses of the terrible 2's but its usually only when she's overtired or hungry.  I'm finding that boys are SO different than girls! Peyton was in full-on tantrum mode at this age.  She is easy going and just goes with the flow when we are out and about, it's nice.
~She is still a really good eater.  She has phases where she only wants certain things, but is usually willing to eat whatever I give her.  We think she may not be big on sweets.  She would rather have oatmeal than pancakes, or salad over anything else.  We usually have salad with dinner and she will always eat that first.  It's crazy.  Don't get me wrong, she loves to have the occasional treat! Her favorites right now are cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, raisins, yogurt, oatmeal, anything with peanut butter, almond milk, pineapple, name a few.  She still isn't a fan of eggs or avocado and suddenly doesn't want potatoes. 
~Olivia knows most of the ABC song and is starting to recognize letters.  She knows O of course, P, A, and Q.  She can count to ten really well..she was skipping seven for the longest time, but finally got it down (See video below).  We are working on colors, she knows yellow and pink. We are doing some flashcards with her which she is getting good at. 
~Her favorite activities are coloring, playing with playdoh, building her legos (or Peyts legos), drawing the letter O over and over again, playing with her babies, playing with Peyton's hot wheels,  making us coffee and soup in her play kitchen and most of all, doing whatever her big brother is doing
~She is sleeping well at night and takes one 2-3 hour nap.  She is getting her 2-year molars now..she's got two popping through right now. 

Here's a video of her counting.  She has a cold so she sounds stuffed up :)
Here's a video of her chatting in the bath:
We love our big TWO-year-old!!!

1 comment:

poopsie said...

she is adorable. just as cute as can be. happy two years O and mommy!