Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Girls zoo day

Today after we dropped Peyt off at school, Livs and I headed to the zoo.  Olivia hasn't been able to go there nearly as much as Peyton did at that age, now that I work day shift.  We had so much fun! We got there right as it opened, and thank goodness we did, because huge crowds of students came in a little after for field trips and it was SO crowded by the time we left.  It still just is crazy the difference between having a boy toddler and a girl toddler.  At 2, Peyt was ALL over the place, a complete boy and I was exhausted by the time a zoo trip was done.  Olivia stays right by my side and never puts me out of her sight.  She seemed to love the penguins the most and wanted me to hold her for all the 'scary' animals like the lions and the chimps.  She is just a total girl and Peyt is a total boy and I wouldn't change either of them!

Watching the sea lion

Love her!

She was scared of this guy

These two elephants were wrestling.  We didn't get to see the baby elephant. :(

Just like Peyt, she loves the Jeep

Checking out the cheetah

The black bears were wrestling too!

Loving her new penguin friend from the gift shop...she named it Fluffy!

Loved my morning with Liv.

She was tired out and crashed on the way home....

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