Monday, November 11, 2013

Craft Day!

Friday Peyton had a half day, so we made some Thanksgiving turkeys while Olivia napped.  We used leaves and branches from our backyard maple tree.

Then today since Peyt had no school and I was off work, we headed up to Craft Warehouse first thing this morning and got some supplies to start some Christmas crafting.  Both kids could craft all day if they could.  It was fun!

I made a couple yarn wrapped trees.  This one I hot glued buttons and some felt rosettes that I made.

The kids and I made a few wreath and candy cane ornaments out of pipe cleaners and beads.  Olivia liked this one a lot.

Then while Liv napped Peyton was determined to do his own wrapped yarn tree.  I was surprised at his patience as it takes while do. He was very meticulous with his, and it turned out great. 

He did a green and grey two-toned tree.

I made another one with some yarn pom poms that I made too!  So fun!

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