Sunday, November 9, 2008

An amazing time in my life...

In 1998-2002, I played basketball at George Fox University. It was a very rewarding and defining time in my life. I had never worked as hard as I did then. I learned how far I could push my body physically. I thought I would surely die if we ran another Killer or Suicide. But I always made it through, and it was worth being in the best shape of my life. I miss those days...the gruling practices, big games, NCAA Sweet Sixteen, traveling the U.S., the blood, sweat, and the tears (Yes, very cliche I know). Coming into GFU as an 18-year-old, I had no idea what I was getting into. Little did I know the life lessons, life-long friendships, the victory, and the upset I would face in the next 4 years. I have so many memories from my basketball career at GFU that I will never forget. I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain it. It all comes flooding back in November when we have our annual alumni game. Yesterday was that day, and being in that home gym again is awesome. I was very tired and could hardly breath however, I'm just happy that I can still keep up with those 18-21 year olds still!!! Here's a few pictures:

The alumni and the 2007-2008 GFU Bruins team:


Stephanie said...

Thats awesome Nicole! Wish we could have been there!
PS- Is that little peyster on the left of the group photo lol?

Anonymous said...

how cool! you look exactly the same in 98 as you do now, that is a compliment!