Sunday, December 20, 2009

Psycho dog

Cotton balls, Q-tips, crayons, lip gloss, markers, rubber bands, rubber stamps, candles, chapstick, head bands, bugs, slugs, worms, hair bands, wrappers, paper, plastic toys, stuffed animals, bag balm, foil, string...I could go on and on of all the things she's eaten. I don't know how her bowel has survived. She is the craziest dog. She's a miniature pinscher which is a high-strung breed, but she is just...I don't know...special I guess. I get so mad at her, but I also love her so much. She finds crazy things to eat and hides under our bed right in the middle where I can't reach her. Here she is eating an entire toilet paper roll. She's nuts.

She loves to give me this look when she knows she's in trouble and I can't reach her.

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