Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Ten years ago the best dog ever was born.  Pancho Coronito Springer, AKC breed chihuahua.  A couple months later he was given to me for my 22nd birthday from B.  Best birthday gift EVER.  We love our Panchie Boy...he's slowed down the last few years with small kids around. Chihuahua's are known to not be kid lovers and he keeps his space from them.  He's had a seizure disorder ever since we've had him but with meds he does okay and still gets spurts of that spunk/playfulness that I love.  Favorite past times for Panch are lounging by the fireplace or on top of a heater vent, eating any vegetable, playing with his ball, being blown by the hair dryer, and did I mention napping?  Never a chewer, always a barker...we love you Pancho.  Happy 10th birthday boy.

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