Thursday, November 20, 2008


A few months ago, I ventured out and bought Peyton a potty chair. I set it up in his bathroom for him to become familiar with. He sat on it, stood on it, took it apart, played in it, etc. A couple of weeks ago, he woke up from a 2-hour nap, I went to change his diaper which was completely dry. So I hurried him to the potty chair, sat him down, and gave him some reading material (Don't males like to do that?). He sat there for about 10 minutes--nothing. I went back to his room to get a diaper and I hear music coming from the bathroom. (His potty chair has a sensor and plays music when he potties). I run to the bathroom and he's still sitting there reading his book, oblivious as to what he just did. With my surprised/shocked look on my face, he looked up at me and said "No, no, no!!," thinking he did something wrong. I was so excited!!! Jumping up and down, clapping my hands, tell him good job! He smiles, claps, and says "Yay, good job!!." I was so excited, despite the fact that I knew that he really had no clue as to what he really had done. Since then, he has gone some more "number ones," and is definitely knowing what he's doing. He gets to flush the toilet after we empty his potty chair, which is fun for him. I've heard that boys are more difficult to train than girls, so I'm taking it slow and not pushing him. I'm so proud of my boy, and happy that he is making steps forward to potty like a big boy! Amazing...


J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Yeah Peyton!!! So very exciting.

poopsie said...

what a big boy...keep it up peyton!