Saturday, February 7, 2009

5 Random thoughts/wishes/goals

While sitting here at work, during an uneventful Saturday-day shift, I have the rare time to sit and let my brain rest, ponder, worry, think, etc more than usual. With my compulsion of writing lists, here I go...

1. Will I ever find a job working from home? If I do, the following thoughts run through my mind: I will most likely take a pay cut. It would be so nice to see my husband on a regular basis and be able to have dinner together more than 2 days a week. How productive will I realistically be with a toddler in the house? Will I want to run screaming out of the house wanting new scenery and adult conversation? Will I still want to work from home when Peyton (and any other child I decide to rear) is/are in school?

2. If I made a trip to The Container Store, would it help me get a better grip on being more organized?

3. I love reading other people's blogs. It feels a little stalker-ish sometimes though. A lot of my friends from college have blogs, who follow other people's blogs-some of whom I would consider acquaintences from college. I admit I peek at their blogs every so often too, and wonder if they do the same to mine? Would they be upset that I am stalking their blog? A couple of the blogs I follow are written by people that I've never met. I keep up with them because they either have an awesome story to tell, or are just fantastic and/or hilarious writers. I have to admit, I get slightly excited when I log on to blogspot to see if my friends or the strangers have posted anything new.

4. I really want to learn/master the art of coupon clipping. I was in Target a while back and this lady in front of me in the check-out line had a bill of 40 something dollars until.....she whipped out a stack of coupons and handed them to the red-shirted cashier. She kept scanning and scanning until the freaking bill dwindled down to $1 dollar and something cents. Are you kidding me? I mean really, how do you do that? I was so impressed.

5. I've realized how lucky I am to have a healthy child. I work at Emanuel Hospital, and it is truly unbelievable how many sick children there are. I don't know how the parents deal. It makes me so thankful that God has blessed me with a healthy kid.


Shannon said...

I'm a total blog stalker too! Don't feel bad!

poopsie said...

i stalk all the time...i love reading about strangers too, they are some of my favorties. oh, and the coupon too. we should get together and work on this, i found some great coupon websites but am a little challenged when it comes to figuring it all out. (i suck at math!) wanna get together and be coupon mammas?

Nicole said...

Yes, let's do it! I got some advice from a friend about a website called You just have to download some sort of software.

poopsie said...

ok mine is a different one and it is a blog of these two girls that work full time and try to save as much money as possible shopping!

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Another great website to check out for coupons is I love coupons!! I saved myself $20 today by using coupons.