Friday, February 20, 2009

Birthday fun with Mommy and Daddy

Yesterday on Peyton's Birthday we took him to Build-a-Bear. He picked out a Puppy and named him Elvis. He sleeps with him now along with Bear. Then we went to Red Robin for some yummy food. They brought him a chocolate sundae and sang Happy Birthday to him as he sat there looking at them like they were crazy. It was a fun day with just the three of us. Then, when we got home Grammy/Papa Springer and Great Grandma Barb stopped by and gave him a gift and some mini cupcakes. We are celebrating with a couple of parties this to come!

Figuring out which one to pick:

The puppy it was:
The stuffing part scared him a bit:
Giving Elvis a bath:

All set:
Welp, see ya later! Eating his sundae:
The crazy people singing to him:
He blew the two candles out no problem!

1 comment:

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Fun - The Build-a-bear store is so cute and really entertaining for them.