Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2-year-old emotions

Peyton's good buddy Hunter gave Peyton a Curious George movie for his birthday. The 2 out of 3 times he's watched it (it's a rarity to get him to watch anything BUT Cars) it has sparked such great emotion in him. There's a part where George gets curious with a telephone and calls the fire department on accident. Well, the fire department wasn't amused and threw him in jail because of it. George starts to cry. Peyton just started BAWLING. Huge tears, quivering lip and all. It kind of shocked me. Then another part where George was scared because he had to go into surgery because he swallowed a puzzle piece...and the flood gates opened up again! It's so crazy how fast a toddler's emotions come about and how sensitive Peyton is! I just love my little man...


Bethany Fegles Photography said...

Oh, he's so sweet!w

Unknown said...

Awww ... too sweet! :o)

poopsie said...

oh man, not sure if that is sweet or sad. :( i like that he shows emotions but i hate to see the little ones cry. hunter cries if i look sad, if i get a frown he start quivering...:)