Friday, January 14, 2011

36 weeks, 5 days

So I just got back from my appointment, and surprised to find out I'm already 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  Yikes! I wasn't expecting that at all.
BP: 98/60
Weight gain: 3 lbs (24 total)
She said the baby is head-down and really low and she too was surprised how things are moving along.  She said she wouldn't be surprised if I went early.  But you never know, I could stay like this for a while. 
I've gotten a lot more uncomfortable.  My back aches most of the time and even worse if I am really active during the day.  Sleep at night is horrible.  I usually lay awake for 1-2 hours each night, unable to fall asleep.  I've started to nest I think.  I was so tired the other day but just couldn't stop cleaning and organizing.  I washed all the covers for the car seat, swing, bouncy seat, etc and got it all set up.  Peyton's been putting his stuffed dog Bruiser in the swing and bouncy seat.  So he's getting some practice. :)
So I guess I better get a bag packed for the hospital just in case! 

I was trying to get my 36 week timer shot and Peyton was looking at books on my bed.  Right when he heard the long beep saying the pic was about to take, he'd sit up and make a face for the camera.  Little stinker, he did this about 5 times. 

36 Weeks

1 comment:

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Very exciting!! If you need anything please let me know.