Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby shower

My niece Stephanie and sister-in-law Amy threw me a very fun and beautiful baby shower at my house on Saturday!  It couldn't have been more perfect.  They put so much time and effort into it and I was in awe of all the little details they added. 
  • Good food, including some of my favs: Mini PBJ/turkey sandwiches, fruit skewers, veggies, spinach dip, and my mom's sherbet punch recipe.
  • Framed pictures of my mom at her shower when she was pregnant with me, and baby pictures of me  with my mom and dad.  I missed my mom so much on this day.  I know she was there in spirit...
  • The cake.  I was in awe when they revealed the cake to me.  It was so perfect! (Pics below.)
  • Little baby food jars with ribbon filled with candy mints for party favors.
  • Jars filled with baby supplies, and outfits/booties/hats/owl ornaments hanging up-all gifts from Steph/Amy. 
  • The thumbprint tree as a guest book.
  • And so much more! Thanks to everyone who came.  And thank you Steph and Amy for such a wonderful shower, I love you guys!
The spread

On the top is the image from my shower invitation, they took it into Safeway, (Yes, SAFEWAY!) and they recreated it onto a very delicious cake.  I was so impressed!

The guestbook was this thumbprint tree that I'll frame for the baby's room.

  This game was to guess which candy bar was melted in the diaper.  Totally looked like a poopy diaper! 

Tie-breaker was to guess how big around I was.  Always fun.  :/

Gifts-I got a ton of great stuff.  Thank you everyone!

Clockwise from the top: Jill and I, Little Zakai, Cousin Julie, Sister Susie and Cousin Lisa, Amy and Kate, Cousin Lisa, Niece Lauren, Cousin Julie, and soon-to-be niece Kate.

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