Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 Months

Our sweet Olivia is 4-months-old! We're getting to know her more and more each day.  Here's some tidbits on our girl at 4 months...

4-month stat's: (Our last appointment with Dr. Heffernan! :( He's retiring and we will miss him.)
Weight: 14 lbs 8.5 oz (between 50-75th percentile)
Length: 26.25 inches (above 95th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (between 10-25th percentile)

Olivia appears to have a pretty serious personality.  She is hyper aware of her surroundings and doesn't miss much.  She will often have a very serious look on her face (like her Daddy!) but then will surprise you by busting out a huge grin.  She absolutely LOVES her brother.  She constantly has her eye on him and he gets the best laughs from her.  She loves to be held facing out so she can take in everything.  She loves to be talked to and has really grown to love her own voice.  She will spend a lot of her awake time just talking/singing/squealing away...we've learned she can be quite loud! When both her and Peyton are yapping away, B and I look at each other and realize we're in trouble. She still likes to be carried around in the Bjorn and has started to like the stroller better than she used to. 

She is still on soy formula and does pretty well on that.  She still spits up quite a bit but Dr. Heffernan said it's normal and she's gaining weight well so he isn't concerned.  She eats 6-7 oz at each feeding about 4-5 times a day.  The Dr said she is holding her head up great and is ready to be introduced to solids; rice cereal and each week we can introduce a new orange veggie (carrots, squash, sweet potatoes etc).  I'm going to try and make her baby food instead of buying store-bought food.

Olivia typically sleeps from 830ish-730ish.  The last couple of weeks she's been waking up hungry in the middle of the night every once in a while.  She's probably going through a growth spurt.  Hopefully introducing solids will eliminate this.  She naps twice a day for 2-3 hours each.

She continues to love her bouncy seat and baby gym. In the last couple weeks, we've tried out her exersaucer which she likes but gets tired of it easily.  She is grasping her toys a lot better and starting to transfer toys from one hand to the other.  She also puts everything in her mouth, including her hands, and is drooling like crazy.  I'm wondering if she might be starting to teethe.  She loves to be talked to or sung to.  She rolls from tummy-to-back.

First sickness:
About a month ago, Olivia caught a nasty stomach bug and was throwing up for about a week.  We even had to take her to the ER as the doc was concerned for dehydration. Luckily she was ok, but man it wasn't fun to have a projectile puking little baby.  Poor girl.  She's had a couple minor colds that she's caught from Peyton but they seem to pass fairly quickly.  It's usually just a runny nose.

First ER visit, poor baby
I was working that night luckily

We often get this serious look from her... :)
First time in the excersaucer

She cannot get enough of Peyton

I love my little cherub!

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