Sunday, July 3, 2011

5 Months!

 Our baby girl is 5 months! Here's what Olivia is up to these days...

~Eating: We started Olivia on solids and after the first couple days of not loving it, she is all about it!  She's like a baby bird and gets so excited when we sit her down to eat.  So far we've tried rice cereal, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes-all of which she's loved.  I made big batches of each to freeze which was a lot easier (and cheaper) than I thought!  This next month I'll be adding avocado, apples, pears and maybe some bananas.   She's eating about 30-36 oz of formula a day although she's sort of became less interested in her bottle after starting solids.  I'm hoping it's just a phase.

~Teething: Olivia was super fussy for the last few weeks and we weren't sure what was going on.  Then one day I caught a glimpse of white on her bottom gums.  Surely she couldn't be cutting teeth this early, Peyton didn't get his first tooth until he was 8-9 months old.  But sure enough, I could see two little buds right under her gums.  The next day they were through and she was back to her happy little self.

~Sleeping:  Due to her teething, she wasn't going down to sleep/naps as easily.  She's still sleeping through the night for the most part, although she's been waking up off and on around 2am wanting to eat. Or just wide awake from practicing rolling over! I'm not sure if it's due to her teething, or maybe a growth spurt?  She sleeps from ~8pm to ~7am most days and takes two 2-3 hour naps.

~Activity: Olivia is a pro rolling from tummy to back and is on the verge of rolling back to tummy.  She's getting really strong.  She is pushing up more with her arms and scooting all over the place.  She loves to be on a blanket with a toy, or just playing with her newly discovered feet.  She is spending more time in her exersaucer and loves to be up and able to see what's going on around her.  When she's in her car seat or her bouncy seat, I've noticed she lifts her head up like she wants to sit up.  She is sitting up better while supported but is a while off from sitting up on her own.  She still LOVES the Bjorn and is getting better with the stroller (although if she's tired, she's pretty fussy in the stroller). 

She is wearing size 3 diapers and clothes ranging in sizes 6 mo-12mo depending on the brand-she's very long!

She always tries to hold it herself, she's getting better at it.
Big girl sitting up at the table with us for dinner

Her eye brows are so expressive...
Peyt was the same way. :)

Loving those feet!

Rice cereal...not so sure (again with the eye brows)

In between bites, she does this. 

Finally got a good picture view of those two teeth before a good yawn.

Daddy with his girl

Becoming BFFs

Staring contest

Roll over Rover
Time is flying by so fast!  I'm savoring this baby time before it's gone!! We love you Olivia Sandra!

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