Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I finally got Peyton back into swimming lessons.  I'm kicking myself for not keeping him in lessons consistently, because I think he would be in the next level by now.  Since he's been out of the water, and we didn't go camping last year, he's grown to be a little afraid of going under.
He did two weeks, every evening (which was kind of a lot for us) in his class and his teacher thinks he should take the class again.  I'm going to try and find holes in our schedule to sign up both kids again.  Peyton LOVED it and got so excited after dinner to go to his class.  We did lessons at Montevilla which is an outdoor pool.  It brought back many memories for me, because I lived in this pool in the summers when I was growing up! I remember my babysitter giving me my $1--50 cents for free swim, and 50 cents for a Burgerville ice cream cone afterwards.
Sitting on the ledge, waiting for class to start.

Practicing back floats

Loving every minute of it

On Fridays, they got to go down the slide which is always a hit.

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