Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas with the Prazeau's

Yesterday B had to work until 2, and our original plans were to go over to his parent's for Christmas dinner, etc., but they rescheduled until this weekend because of the snowy weather. After B got home, Peyton finally got to open his gifts. Luckily he's still young enough where had no idea what day it was and didn't mind waiting.

Then we headed over to my parent's house for dinner and gift exchange. There is always a house full of people and it's pretty hectic! Being around a ton of people always gets Peyton all riled up and I was exhausted by the time I got home from chasing him around and steering him clear of all the no-no's. :) We had a blast and he loved all of his gifts.

My sister Bonnie got him a fire-engine scooter that he loved! Austin got a razor scooter too, so they were playing with them together all night!

This morning we set up his little tent that Santa got him from Ikea. He thought it was pretty cool. He put all his new toys plus his blankie in there.

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