Tuesday, September 21, 2010

20 Weeks

Last Thursday I had another pre-natal appointment.  Baby is doing great and I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been feeling the baby move around more and more each day.  Cravings: peaches, and one day I had a mad craving for a powdered donut (random!).  Lately, though, nothing sounds good to me at all.

BP: 102/60
Baby's Heart Rate: 140's
Weight gain: 4 lbs! (8 total)
This appointment was another quick one, although I did get a flu shot as well.

20 weeks, 2 days


J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Very cute baby bump there. I have some peach jam made just for you peach craving that I will give you on Sunday.

Nicole said...

YUMMO! Thank you!