Friday, February 25, 2011


How is my babyboy 4 already?  His 3rd year completely flew by!  On Wednesday we took Peyton in to see Dr. Heffernan for his 4-year-appointment.  It is like night and day compared to how he's been at his last few appointments.  He isn't scared anymore, and loves to chat it up with Dr. Bob.  Dr. Heffernan commented on how Peyton is so much more confident this year.  He was impressed with his vocabulary, counting, knowing his right and left, etc.  He said he's still a "string bean" physically, but is perfectly healthy.  We're curious to see how he does with his surgery next Friday (adenotonsillectomy).  We're hoping we'll see a big improvement in his nose-breathing, snoring, speech, and sleep.  I'm nervous about the surgery and the recovery-especially with a newborn who is up every 3 hours still.  Hopefully he will bounce back pretty quickly with no complications. 

His 4-year stats:
*Height: 43.5 inches, 95th percentile, last year: 40 3/4 inches
*Weight: 37 lbs, 75th percentile, last year: 35 lbs.

Some tidbits on Peyton at 4:
*He is doing really well with school.  He still has his anxiety at times with being dropped off at school, more so with me, he does fine when Daddy drops him off.  I think it may have to do with the new baby. He's always telling me to "give the baby to Dad" so I can brush his teeth, take him to school, help him get dressed, etc.  He's learned so much since starting last September, it really is amazing.  He recently got his report card and he got mostly M's (Masters) and G's (Good Progress) and one S (Sometimes).  The S was for playing and sharing with other children.  We're working on this and hope that him having a sister will help him with the sharing.  There was a note from Teacher Shanise that he tends to stay close to her a lot of the time.  However, he talks constantly about all his different friends at school and he does interact/talk to the other kids.  Funny story...I was picking him up one afternoon and they were sitting down eating lunch.  Peyt didn't see that I was there yet and he turns to his best school buddy Jacob and says "What kind of vacuum does your mom have?"  Jacob gave him a funny look and said "I'm having a batman cake for MY birthday!!!"  Seriously, only my child would inquire about vacuums to his friends.  :)

*Peyton continues to be a really good eater.  If he refuses a food, it's usually due to him being stubborn.  His favorites continue to be PBJ sandwiches, salad with lots of tomatoes, meatloaf, pizza, enchiladas, lasagna, fruit, graham crackers, granola bars, yogurt, raisins, and much more.

*Peyton is fully potty trained during the day with the rare accident.  He still wears a pull-up at night as his bladder just isn't mature enough to hold it over night, and he doesn't always wake up to go.  Dr. Heffernan said this is perfectly fine and expected for boys.  We're hoping over the next year it will change.  He does wake up dry at times though. 

*Peyton's favorite activities: vacuuming, coloring (he is really good at staying in the lines), riding his bike/scooter, playing legos, mommy/daddy reading him books, playing basketball up at Grandpa's house, going to the park, and helping mommy/daddy do lots of different things.

*Peyton is a really great big brother.  He loves to give his sister tons of kisses and talks to her to console her if she is crying.  He loves to fetch us diapers, burp cloths, etc and is a great helper.  I'm excited to watch their relationship blossom. 

*Peyt is still the stubborn boy we've always known and loved!  He is so head-strong and really fights to get his way. It can be very frustrating at times, but with us talking to him and being consistent and not giving into him, he always comes around.  On the other hand, he is such a sweet boy and is so loving.  We just love him to pieces and look forward to his 4th year and all that it will bring!


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