Wednesday, March 7, 2012

13 Months

I was writing the date down for something the other day and realized that Olivia was past her 13 month mark! Oh how the time flies.  I must be having fun?
Olivia took her first steps this past month.  She prefers to crawl and will ONLY walk if she wants to.  I notice that she will walk more on the carpet in the bedrooms and is more reluctant to walk on the hardwoods, understandably.  She does love to push her baby in her stroller and push her wagon all around the house.
Olivia is babbling and "talking" like crazy.  Her favorite word right now is "yummy."  When she sees something she wants to eat, she will point to it and say "yummy yummy!!"
Another hilarious thing she is doing right now is nodding her head.  Whenever you ask her a question (i.e. "Are you a big girl?"), she will get this sly smile and nod furiously at you.  I'm trying to catch it on video but no success yet.
She's tried a couple new foods this past month: oranges, grapes, and eggs.  We are so lucky she is such a great eater.  And she loves to eat!
She's sleeping a bit better this month, but waking up earlier than normal.  I'm sure that's due to it getting lighter earlier.  I need to hang up her curtains soon.  I kind of think she's getting her eye teeth...she's been a little fussy and got the teething rash/cold she usually gets.

Here's a few videos from the past couple of weeks of our girl..

Chatty Cathy:

First steps caught on video:

We recorded the Grammy's and boy does this girl (as well as Peyton) LOVE this song by Bruno Mars.  We watch it every day.

And some iPhone pics:
Coldstone treat on her actual birthday
Looking cute in her new peacoat at Peyton's Dr. Appt
Eating Chicken Tortilla Soup that Kate made for us! She loved it
Getting ready to go shopping

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