Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lately..just around the house

Before this past weekend it's been nasty, weather-wise.  Lots of rain and wind...so lots of time inside for us. When we are spending a lot of time at home, I try to get my camera out and take pics of the kids...the time is just moving too fast and they are growing before my eyes.
When you tell her to smile, this is what she gives.

I love these two SO much!

Being 5 is hard...oh do we have an independent boy

Peyton continues to be a great big brother

Peyton's bestie Ethan came over one afternoon to play while his Mommy had a job interview (which she got, yay Kate!)

They have so much fun together

Peyton is loving basketball right now...we've been shooting lots of hoops and watching a lot of March Madness. My favorite time of year!

She is walking, (almost running now) all over the place!

Peyton gets to watch a couple shows a day when its too cold/rainy to play and LOVES the Lego show Ninjago...and loves playing Temple Run on my phone.

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