Saturday, August 4, 2012

18 Months!

Our little Olivia is a year and a half! I don't even know where to begin in what she's up to.  She's grown up so much in the last couple of months. Olivia's personality at 18 months can be described as sweet, reserved but with a silly side, laid-back and she is definitely a girly-girl.  She is always right by my side cuddling up to me.  
~She's talking like crazy and putting small sentences together.  A couple phrases she says often are "I don't wanna" or "Put in there." Oh and the most hilarious one is "Yeah BABY!"
~She got 4 new teeth in the past couple months
~She still always has her bunny with her and usually a baby or two.
~She always is bringing us books to read to her.  Her favorite is still Goodnight Moon.
~She understands almost everything we ask her.  If I tell her to get a certain toy out of her room or Peyton's room she will get it.  Or I'll hand her something to put in the garbage or the sink and she'll do it.  
~I've learned this summer that she isn't a fan of water.  If we go to a splash pad she won't go near it.  I'm hoping she'll grow out of this soon.  Swimming lessons will hopefully help.
~She's still an awesome eater and really just eats what we eat.  Her favorites are blueberries, grapes, guacamole ('dip'), hot dogs with ketchup ('dip'), chicken taco chili, yogurt, cucumbers, peppers, almond milk, and much more.  Did I mention she loves any sort of dip?
~She's sleeping well.  If we are home, she will take two short naps.  If we are out and about she can survive on one nap.  I'm sure she will be transitioning to one (hopefully longer) nap soon.
~She loves music and singing songs.  

~Growth: I took her in yesterday and the doctor was shocked that she grew 3 inches in 3 months! 
*Height: 35.5 inches (totally off the charts percent-wise)
*Weight: 27 lbs (75%)
*Head: 48 cm (75%)
The doctor said she will most likely be a long and lanky girl, just like Peyt.
She's wearing 24-months for tops and 2T for pants, size 5 diapers, and size 6 shoes.

There's a ton more that I could say about our sweet girl, but that's the basics of Olivia Sandra!
She loves to push her stroller around 

Snuggling with her brother on a hot day

Peyton always dresses her up in his clothes.  Here she has his knee pads, sweatshirt, and hat on.  She loves it

Her wild hair.  Every day she wakes up like this..
One way to calm the hair...she's just too cute for words.

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