Friday, August 9, 2013

Wickiup 2013

I have been putting off posting about our annual camping trip at Wickiup because I took over 400 pics and there are so many good ones, I don't know how I will choose! But here I go and I apologize for the major picture overload.....

We had an eventful camping trip this year to say the least.  We got there on Saturday the 27th and it was so nice this year not having to worry about bargaining with other campers for a water spot since I reserved the one and only reserve-able water spot there back at the beginning of the year.  We got all set up and ready for our week of campin'! Well Sunday in the afternoon we noticed that it started getting pretty hazy out...turns out that a forest fire had started, jumped the river and was headed our way.  It was a mile or less away from us.  An OSP trooper frantically rolled through the camp ground announcing over the loud speaker to pack up and prepare to evacuate.  OMG.  We panicked.  We somehow tore down our camp (that took hours to set up) in less than a half hour. It was absolutely nuts.  We were shoving things in each other's vehicles and trailers.  Here's what our utility trailer looked like...a total mess.

Poor Peyton.  He was so freaked out, hysterically crying as he witnessed his entire family being panicked and packing frantically.  Finally one of the sheriffs stopped and talked to him, gave him his name and personal cell phone and told Peyt he could call him anytime if he was scared or had questions.  So sweet.  He was asking to "call Peter" all week.  :)  The helicopters with water buckets and the planes with the fire retardant were flying so close and low to us, it was crazy but kind of fun to see.  After we had most of everything packed up, we waited for the final say to get out (most of the camp ground had already up and left).  We had JUST got there and did not want to leave!  So finally we got the ok from the Forest Service and Sheriff that we could stay.  The fire was pretty contained and they were confident that we were out of harms way.  WHEW!
Anyway, so the rest of the trip was great...we did have a couple days of thunder, lightning and rain but it ended up being another memorable trip.  We've learned that Peyt is clearly as obsessed with Wickiup as I am.  He bawled his eyes out when we got home, already missing Wickiup.  He had so much fun.  Olivia on the other hand is still warming up to the idea of camping.  That girl does not like to be dirty, oh my.  She refused to touch the sand with her feet (it's pretty rocky sand) and was attached to me and B the entire trip.  Hopefully next year she will like it better!
Here's a slew of pics..........
Up early and ready to roll to Wickiup!

Oh so gorgeous...I LOVE this place!!!

Peyt spent the ENTIRE day down by the need to entertain him.  Just had to make sure he ate and drank water during the day :)

These osprey were amazing. If you look closely you can see a fish in his claws.  They'd dive down into the water and get fish all day long.  We even saw one get a catfish!

My brother had this beach tent deal that was a lifesaver for Olivia.  She loved NOT having sit in the sand. :)

Floating with Uncle Randy

The smoke from the fire!

Dad and B

Oh this girl.  She refused to wear crocs so she sported her Uggs the entire time...even on the beach.  They went in the garbage before we left...they were thrashed!  Gotta say though, she's still cute as ever!

Olivia loves her Austin.  She always takes his hand and wants to be with him 24/7

The kids slept really well at night in the tent...even through the ground shaking thunder!

She played nonstop with legos this trip

My sweet boy!!

Tearin' up those golden grahams....a Wickiup staple!

Peyt and Grandpa...most likely gaining some sort of wisdom from GPA

Grandpa helped him perfect his cast

These boys caught SO many frogs

This was her most of the time...watching from afar without bare feet. 

Having a snack with Steph.  Her expressions kill me.

Always have to have a potty chair camping picture. 

With Mommy fresh out of the shower.  Enjoying a few minutes of being clean :)

Peyt building a fort with fire wood

Livs eating a lime

Since the campground was abnormally empty, there were deer everywhere! They came into our camp in the middle of the night looking for food and got into Steph's birthday cake leftovers. 

Happy 29th Birthday STEPHERS!

Finally got her out on the water.  She loved the water as long as she didn't have to stand on the sand. 


I did lots of wakeboarding.  I wish I could go more than once or twice a year.

Peyton loved tubing again this year and went much faster.  Here he is doing a little "no hands"

Marissa's epic fall.  She's a tubing master.

More legos

My crazy them

So amazing!

Kindle fire with Aunt Bonnie

Love my girl
The girls, minus Sherri and Bonnie

Pretty rainbow after a thunder storm

We started doing a love photo's Steph and RJ

Hughy and Sherri

Randy and Amy

B and I.  Love that smile

Cousin love!

Steph and Lexa doing some sisterly coloring

Love this one

Campfire in the rain


The boys had their moments of fighting but they have so much fun together and love each other so much!

My man

Beach nap

Chile was such a great camper!

My dad and bro-in-law John coming in from a morning fishing.

Peyt and Austin loved tubing together and also each went by themselves.  They're growing up!

A little pre-dinner DS time

AHHH...mornings in the sun on the beach

She started liking the water more on our last day there (of course).  Side note: her hair got so blonde on this trip!


Peyton loves to squirt people, so he got some payback from his uncles with a toss in the drink!

Trying to get Uncle Randy back

Uncle Hughy giving his pay back

Rissa too!

To conclude...a pic of Mt Hood on the drive home. 

Countdown to Wickiup 2014 begins!


J, K, E & C Hadley said...

looks like an awesome time, we may have to try it out.

Sue Knapp said...

Thanks for the great pics!!! What a wonderful family. I miss all of you so much. Hopefully, sooner than later we can get together. Love you all, Sue