Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm ill...

Sometimes my job is very taxing emotionally. For those who do not know, in a nut shell, here's what I do at Emanuel Hospital:
My job title is a patient placement specialist. We work for 3 Legacy Hospitals, but are physically located on the Emanuel campus. I have a lot of different responsibilities/job duties. Any time a patient is admitted to the hospital, whether it be from the ER, from the OR, from a doctor's office, or from another hospital, I coordinate getting a bed/room for the patient. (This is for Emanuel, Good Samaritan, and Salmon Creek hospitals). The patient's diagnosis, and the physician's service/specialty all determines where the patient is assigned. Whether they can have a roommate, which protocols they will be under, which level of care, which iv/droplet precautions they will need, if they need a sitter with them, etc.
When a patient is transferred from another hospital, we are essentially on a conference call with the doctor calling from the other hospital and with one of our doctors at Emanuel. So while they are going over all the vitals, history, etc about the patient to be transferred, I listen in, taking notes, getting all the needed details in order to get a bed for the patient. This can be interesting to listen to and I learn so many new things about medicine everyday. However..........Emanuel is the main place in Oregon where any case of child abuse is sent. The ER at Emanuel has at the very least one case there a day (just that I see during my shift). It is completely HEARTBREAKING every time I see it. Recently I had a call from another hospital in Oregon wanting to transfer a young toddler in as a NAT (Non-Accidental Trauma)....I get to hear every detail, and it literally makes me ILL. I do not know how anyone can ever intentionally hurt their child, or ANY child. These kids are so innocent and defenseless. My heart breaks every time I get one of these gruesome calls where I have to sit there and cringe as I listen to all the specifics. And every single time I hang up that phone call, I pray. I pray for that child...for that family...and for our doctors, nurses, who will be caring for that sweet patient. I respect the Pediatric service here at Emanuel so much. And my heart goes out to every child who is a victim of abuse.


Bethany Fegles Photography said...

That is so heartbreaking. Makes you wish you could be there to wrap your arms around those little children. I'm glad you're there to help and pray!

Unknown said...

Gosh - I don't know how you do that - I would want to scoop up those sweet little kids and take them home to love them and care for them as they should be. They are so blessed that have such great people to care for them.
On a brighter note, I'll be shipping off your giveaway goodies tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, we are all feeling better now - yay!!

Lisa said...

I totally know what you mean. I don't hear about the volume of cases that you do, but they do come up from time to time in both Ortho and Neuro... Kills me... :(

Susie Q said...

There needs to be more done for child abuse than there is...makes me want to volunteer for domestic violence to try and make a difference.

I can't imagine what makes people do that to children!!