Wednesday, August 18, 2010

15 Weeks

Yesterday I had my 3rd prental appointment.  It was another quick one. 

BP: 102/60
Weight gain: 3 lbs, 4 total.
Baby's heart rate: 140's

My morning sickness is gone and I'm starting to get some energy back.  I'm still exhausted at times but I'm sure that's just from lack of sleep and no caffeine!  I've started to have a little bit of heartburn too so I'm trying not to snack too late.  As far as cravings, I always want eggs for breakfast, and I want fruit all day.  Totally different than my nightly ice cream cravings I had with Peyton. And healthier. :)
We picked out some neutral paint for the baby's room which is exciting. We have to do a bit of rearranging and get rid of some stuff before we start on his/her room.  I'll have my ultrasound in a few weeks which I'm excited for.  We're still dead-set on not finding out the sex!  In the last week I feel like my belly has popped out a bit and I feel pregnant. 
15 weeks, 2 days.

1 comment:

poopsie said...

you look GREAT nic!!!! so excited for you all!