Monday, August 2, 2010

Wickiup 2010

Last Wednesday, July 28th, after B got off work, we headed to Wickiup for our annual big camping trip.  We were planning on staying for a week until the following Wednesday, but the rest of our fam left on Sunday, so we decided to just make it a short trip.  But short and sweet it was!  The weather was perfect, like it typically is.  Last year was such a fluke with all the rain we had.  Peyton had so much fun.  This year, he was more independent and not in the terrible 2's so that was nice.  He was pretty sad when we started packing up to go home.  He did not want to leave.  It did feel kind of like an off year though without my parents there and also since we didn't stay as long.  But Wickiup is my absolute favorite place in the world and I can't wait for next year.  I love Central Oregon. 

Throwing rocks in the lake.

Tossin the football around.

My two brothers Randy and Hugh and nephew Brandon.

Cameron the aspiring model (seriously) showing off his guns!

He lived in his life jacket during the day.

Peyt and Austin had a great time together.  They are about 3.5 years apart.

Austin was a little fish, he loves the water.

Heading in to the cold water!

Floating with Daddy.

Pancho basking in the sun. 

This year we stayed in a tent.  It was actually much easier than a camper.  Peyton loved it.

Bike riding with Dad.

B and Peyton drinking their morning coffee/hot chocolate.

Cousin Alexa entertained Peyton a lot, she's just so sweet.

Blowing bubbles with a semi-clean face.  His face was completely black by the time he went to bed.

Showing Bubba his tractor.

Uncle John helping Peyt squirt Daddy.

Floating with Mom.

Diggin in the sand.

Austin helping Peyton with his life jacket.

Coloring with Daddy while Mommy cooked dinner.

Out like a light at night.  He didn't nap up there so he couldn't keep his eyes open past about 9:30pm.

Having some snacks in the boat.

Swimming with Mama.

He floated for most of the day.

My brother Randy taking a dive in to cool off.

My brother Hugh.

Daddy giving Peyton a shower.  We have this shower tent/stall that's perfect for our sun shower. 

He never uses this potty chair at home, but it was a life-saver camping.  He wasn't too excited about using the out-houses and I was kind of afraid he'd fall in, so this was perfect.

Fishing with Daddy.

Taking Pancho on our after-dinner walks.

Gorgeous.  I want to retire in Central Oregon.

Eating s'mores.  He was a sticky mess, but loved it.  One night he fell asleep eating his s'more he was so deliriously tuckered out.  It was pretty hilarious.

Mama and Peyt our last night there by the campfire.

In the campsite next to us there was a huge group of people who had about 20 kids.  Every night they'd all ride bikes around the loop.  Peyton had fun joining in the fun.

Getting tired and ready for bed.

1 comment:

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

looks like so much fun...we really need to get out camping, I always had such fun as a kid going.