Sunday, August 15, 2010


Friday was my Dad's 70th birthday! That number is just crazy to me. We all got together and BBQ'd which is always fun and crazy with my big family.  Happy Birthday Daddeo! We love you!

Austin and Peyton digging with the tractor

The boys cooling off in the sprinkler

My two brothers and my dad prepping the BBQ.

This is Charlie, the cutest dog ever.  He's my nephew Drew's puppy.  He's 12 weeks old.

Peyton loved him.

And Charlie loved him and followed him everywhere wanting to play.  Look at those wrinkles!

There's always plenty of hoops at the Prazeau house.

My nephew Cameron slammin it down.  I can't believe how tall these two nephews are.

Bradley dunkin.

Peyton sticking some D to his cousin Brandon.

Peyton just loves playing with cousin Alexa.

These two really love each other.

My gorgeous niece Alexa.  Those blue eyes!

The beautiful Marissa, another niece.

My dad opening his gifts.

Sweaty boys came in from hoops for the gift opening.  Bradley, Austin, Peyton and Cam.

My mommy and I. 

Happy Birthday! We got him a delicious peanut butter chocolate ice cream cake from Coldstone. 

Eating cake with Lex.

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