Wednesday, September 28, 2011

back pack

I got Peyt a new back pack for school and he's a tad bit obsessed with it.  It's a Lightening McQueen back pack and he told me that he wants to keep it forever.  We'll see if he's still carrying it around in high school.  :) 
He wears it around the house.  Puts Bruiser in it.  Packs a picnic in it.  Rides his bike with it on. And always keeps his school notebook in it.  He even put a toy for Olivia in it when we went outside today. 

Taking a break from riding and studying with his notebook.  (matching Lightening McQueen bike, helmet, and back pack). 

I ♥ him


poopsie said...

how darling is he?!? H does the same thing with his new one, perry from phinneas :) he tried to go to the bathroom with it on...i drew the line there :)

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

funny...Ethan doesn't wear his school one around, but he does have one that my mom gave him a few years ago, which also holds Riley in a pouch on the front that goes everywhere with him...he calls it his jet pack.