Thursday, November 3, 2011

9 Months!

Baby girl is 9 months! Even though another month has completely flown by, I feel like Olivia has really grown up this past month.  She is very mobile now, crawling everywhere and pulling herself up onto everything. This has resulted in quite a few bonks and owies.  We have wood floors all through the house except for the bedrooms and she's done a lot of face plants on the floor.  A couple bloody lips and one bloody nose.
:( She recovers quickly though.  Sleep.  Oh we've made huge strides with sleep.  I finally took action and decided to let her cry it out.  I was really nervous that it was going to be a long road, but it literally took just one night for her to figure it out!  It's so nice now, I lay her down for her naps and for the night and she will either go right to sleep or fuss/talk a bit before falling asleep.  She has had a few times where she's full on cried herself to sleep, but what an improvement.  She has slept through the night every night for the last month or so.  I'll hear her fuss sometimes in the middle of the night, but she soothes herself back to sleep without me having to get up.  I think before I was quick to jump up and go get her with every little stir that she made.  So it was sleep training for her and mommy! :)
She's eating really well still.  I tried avocado again and she did a lot better.  We've tried kiwi (seems a bit too tart for her), potatoes, bits of cooked chicken and toast this past month. I'm giving her a lot more whole foods as she seems to prefer pureed foods and is funny about textures.  Peas are her favorite, hands down.
Olivia continues to be a mommy's girl.  She lunges for me whenever anyone else holds her, follows me around the house tugging on my pant leg, climbs all over me when I'm sitting with her or whining for me to pick her up. 
She still just has 6 teeth.  I've seen two more on the top peeking through for a while now, but they are taking their time coming in. 
She is babbling a lot more and making more distinct sounds.  When she's whining and following me around she says "ma," and says a lot more syllables such as "da-da-da" "ba-ba-ba" "ooooooh!!" and "ya."
New tricks she does is give high fives and she growls (see video below). She's learning the word "no" and will stop in her tracks and look at me like a deer in the headlights or will smile at me when I tell her no. Here we go! 
She's still in 12-18 months clothes and size 4 diapers.

*Peyton's toys, especially dinosaurs and spiders
*Gerber arrowroot cookies and Mum-Mum snacks.
*Being chased while crawling
*The dogs (still)
*Her bunny she sleeps with
*Music and dancing

*Getting dressed
*Me walking away from her when she is in one of her whiney-I-want-mom-to-hold-me-all-day moods.
*Her car seat...I think she may have to transition into the bigger car seat soon, she's just getting too big.
*Peyton pestering her, especially when she is tired.
*Brushing her teeth.

9-month stats:
We've got a big girl on our hands...
Height: 29.5 inches (97% or higher)
Weight: 21 lbs 1 oz (90%)
Head Circumference: 45.7 cm (90%)

The doc said she is the perfect weight for how long she is and is a healthy girl! Happy 9 months Olivia Sandra!!!

She loves dinosaurs

This is probably her favorite toy right now.

Crawling fast and everywhere.

She is always going for the dogs.

And big brother

She stops and gives me this look when I tell her no. 

Constantly climbing all over me

She content if I'm near enough for her to touch.



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