Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I’m a little late on this post, but Olivia is now 16-months old! She’s quickly turned into a fun-loving toddler and growing into her own little person.
Olivia’s vocabulary has totally taken off this past month! She’s added a lot more words and is putting two-word phrases together more. Here are some new words/phrases off the top of my head that she’s often saying:
“Ah-da” (All done)
“Pup-per” (Pepper)
“Saw-Bewwy” (Strawberry)
“Hi Daddy, Baby, Mama, Peyt, Papa, etc”
“Ah-side” (Outside)
“Mo” (More)
“Un….Teee…Teee!” (One, two, three!)
“Beo” (Bear)
“Tee-Teeyou” (Thank you)
"Eye Fie" (High Five)
"Eye, Eeo, No, Han, Bee-bee, Heo." (Eye, Ear, Nose, Hand, Belly Button, Hair)
New family members’ names: Amy (mimi), Hughy (oooo-we-we), Grandpa and Papa(Pa-pa)

She also understands SO much now. I can ask her to do simple tasks and she will. If I ask her a yes or no question, she answers appropriately.
I forgot to mention last month that we transitioned Olivia off of the bottle. She was only having one bottle at night, and was never really attached, so it was easy. She has mastered eating with a fork and has gotten much better with a spoon.

She continues to be a really good eater. I don’t give her baby food anymore, and she just eats whatever we are eating. She has her picky days, but will try almost anything . Her favorites are still fruits and veggies (red, yellow, and orange peppers are her fave! She would eat them for breakfast if I let her). She also loves yogurt and pretty much any meat. We call her our little “munch mouth.” She’s always down to eat something. If any of us are snacking on something, she’s right there wanting a bite of her own.

Sleep has been okay. She sleeps well at night, but is up earlier since it’s lighter outside. Her naps, on the other hand, are horrible. I can’t remember when she napped for more than an hour. I thought maybe she was ready to switch to just one nap a day, but after trying it a couple times, she still only slept about an hour and was a wreck by 6:30pm.

~She is all about babies. She gathers every single baby in the house and totes them all over.
~She’s a climber. She’s recently figured out she can climb up on the couch and we have to watch her closely as she likes to stand up and walk across it. She loves to get all of her babies up on the couch with her, or sit and look at books.
~Her bun-bun goes EVERYWHERE with her. She loves to snuggle with her bun and suck her thumb, especially when she’s tired. I need to get a back-up bunny in case it gets lost.
~She’s a whiner. Especially when she’s tired or if B or I are busy doing something around the house, or if we are paying more attention to Peyton. We try to ignore her, but MAN…whining is hard to ignore. :)
~She’s become more social. Whenever we are out and about, shopping or whatever, she will try to say “Hiiiieeee” to everyone, followed by “byeeeeee!!” She’s also become more comfortable around more family. My side of the family is huge and she used to be sort of intimidated by so many people at once. But I think she’s able to distinguish who’s who now and is often leaning out of my arms to be held by someone else.
~There is definite competition between her and Peyton. They have the typical brother-sister relationship and fight over attention. BUT they are also super lovey towards each other too. It’s fun (and not so fun) to watch.
~She's wearing 18-24 month clothes, 2T for some pants. Size 5 diapers.
~Her favorite song to sing is itsy bitsy spider with the hand motions and her favorite book is Goodnight Moon.

Her hair is crazy most days...but getting more blonde and curly!

Showing me her tongue

Peyton took this one

Sibling love

Her favorite spot...on the couch with books, babies and her thumb

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