Thursday, December 2, 2010

30 Weeks

Today I had my 30 week appointment.  It was another quick 5 min appointment.  Everything is still right on track and looking good. 
BP: 102/64
Weight gain: 2 lbs (20 total)
Baby's heart rate: High 140's
I'll start going in every two weeks now.  I've been feeling pretty good for the most part.  I've started to have back pain, and it takes me a while to get up from a laying position.  Sleep is starting to be disturbed..I just can't get comfortable and I'm tired of laying on my sides!  Plus, once I wake up, I start thinking of all the stuff we need to get done, and start making lists in my head.  So I'm tired!  I find if I do too much during the day, my back just aches like crazy.  Baby has been moving around a lot, all day! He/she gets the hiccups quite a bit and I've started having Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day.  Peyton has been a helper for me, he helps me put my socks and shoes on (ha) and will pick stuff up off the floor that are hard for me to bend down and reach.  I have a feeling he will be a big helper once the baby is here. We've finished painting the baby's room and we're going to get new carpet in all the bedrooms hopefully before Christmas.  It's coming together though!
30 weeks, 4 days


amy s said...

you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!! the pic nic!

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

Glad you have such a good helper!!