Thursday, December 30, 2010

34.5 weeks

Today's appointment literally lasted less than 5 minutes!  I think this is the last of the quick appointments though.  At 36 weeks, I'll start going in weekly.  I'm starting to get antsy and uncomfortable.  Sitting at work is miserable, as the baby pushes up in my ribs leaving me short of breath.  I'm having trouble sleeping still, therefore I'm super tired.  But I have to say I've been really lucky and thankful to not have any issues in this pregnancy.  This last 5 weeks will be really busy, and I'm kind of hoping I'll go past my due date so I'll have more time to prepare! 

BP: 107/72

Weight gain: 0 (21 total).  This is probably due to the 24-hr stomach bug I had the day after Christmas.  The doctor was concerned, but then was re-assured when she measured me and the baby grew just fine since my last visit.  She said it was most likely because I was sick and the baby probably took all the nutrients/calories that I did take in and left me short.  :)

Baby's heart rate: 150's

Cravings: Oranges! I eat one everyday, and they are so good this time of year.